28 September 2006

what a day...

28 September 2006
I woke up today and found out that there was a storm passing through Metro Manila... guess what the storm signal was... signal # 3!!! and my mom actually wanted to go to Quezon City (yes, in the middle of a #3 storm) just to pick up a couple of tailored clothes. So, in essence, on the way back home, it was raining hard and the winds were sooooo strong... i literally felt the wind rocking the car! it was that strong! i'm not exaggerating! roads were unpassable due to numerous trees that were uprooted - my last count on the way home was 12... and my mom still doesn't want to go home... *sigh* but now the storm's on the way out of the country and school's back tomorrow...

14 September 2006

this past week...

14 September 2006
this past week was just so... tiring.
we've started surveying for our thesis... and, for the love of all that is good, it's really not that easy!!! not to mention scary, because we need to tap into the lower classes - classes c/d/e - for our thesis and one look around the area would make you think twice for your safety. just recently we had to survey a group of 'tambays' which just made my caution meter spike up to high heavens. i wanted to run away if it weren't for this danm thesis survey. i have nothing against anything - do not misquote or get me wrong here - but sometimes i just wonder if this is going to be all worth it afterwards... maybe i have to bring a knife or a tazer next time... oh well...
i'm going to start working on monday. (what?!) yup, you read that right. i'm going to be working. and i've always thought that the word 'work' and myself did not go in the same sentence. haha. =) anyway... at least i'll have money.. hehehe...
to tell you honestly, i really didn't want to accept the job... because that would mean that i would have to stay longer hours in our office (i may not have said earlier, but i'm going to be working at our office.. hehe), and it means more encounters of the third kind. well not exactly. hahah. i just want peace... can anybody give me that, please?