08 February 2006


08 February 2006

this was not a happy day.

we have to submit a "new" proposal by the third reading (which, by the way, is next friday) with all the details (which was already in the proposal but we were instructed by our "loving" mentor to omit). not to mention the defense we had a while ago. i swear i was so nervous that my vision was actually shaking. literally. that's how nervous i was. and to find out that we need to submit a new proposal by the third reading, damn.

it wasn't as if that defense was the only thing that i was worried for today. we had an exam for my philorl class and damn the only bit that i can remember is our friggin defense in the afternoon! d'oh. felt that i didn't answer the questions justifiably (is there such a word?). damn. this sucks.
and to top it all off, the rotc is (and always has been) depending on me for stuff! i mean, the only job i had to do was take the pictures. i'm sorry for ranting but what happened a while ago was not exactly pleasant. i wasn't the one responsible about the reservations and stuff, and it irks me because i wasn't supposed to be stressing myself about that, and i found myself stressing about that. *sigh*. it's not that i don't want to help them, i do, i really do, but sometimes, it is a bit too much for me to handle. and mind you, i am having my thesis now, and i am technically not a part of that anymore.
in summary, this is one bloody hell day.

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